Friday 7 November 2014


In reading,our group is making kites.
I have made a costume kite.
I will include a photo soon.


The line above the words is 5.5cm long.
I measured from the 0 on the ruler.
We also learnt about area.
If a square is 5cm down and 7 across you do this 5X7=35squared
This would be how you measure the full area:
But the first way is easier and its the proper way.

By Oscar

Friday 31 October 2014

Thursday 16 October 2014

Cycle safe

In term 3 our class did Cycle safety.
First we learnt about how is our bikes and helmets safe.
Then we took them to the test and tested our brakes and our gears.
The next day we learnt the road rules and rode on the road.
We also stopped to practice some skills.
The last day did the same as the day before.

By Oscar

Thursday 25 September 2014

Missing in Venice

Bonk!,A blearing fog horn from the canals of Venice,blew me out of bed this morning.
"Jimmy,breakfast is ready!" yelled Mum as I trawled out of bed.
"Get dressed!" Mum screamed,only because I was in my PJs.
My school uniform was tight and breakfast was burnt to black.
My day was already letting me down.

Bobby's story.
It was a nice day in my town house on the outskirts of Venice until a fog horn woke me up from my nice sleep.
So I clamber out of bed to get ready to build more boats the,supposedly from Titania,the biggest liner in the world(After Titanic),started to consume the city's fresh air.

Ben's story
Have you ever seen a liner in a canal?
Here's how I saw Titania in the Venice canal.
I was walking down a Venice foot path to school and I smelled smoke.
I thought that it would be someones fireplace ablaze.
When I arrived at school,I saw Titania in the Venice canal.

Jimmy's story cont.
"Quick turn the barge!"I screamed at Mum.
"Bail out!"Yelled Mum.
I jumped off the barge and I landed on the canal path to help Mum out.

Ben's story cont.
I ran up a building that was about to get ramed by Titania to do an imposable thing...the leap of faith...I'm going to land on Titania and halt.
"Ahhh!" I screamed whilst thinking about everyone I knew,Jimmy,best friend,Bobby,grumpy boat builder.
"Och!" I swore whilst holding my leg in the air.

Will ben stop and save Titania and Venice or will Venice be a pile of shattered glass and bricks.